
HW#1: What is Informatics?

HW#1: What is Informatics

In your explanation, select and describe a domain of informatics of your choosing (e.g., education, medicine, biology, sports, etc.).Your explanation should also include a thesis statement (e.g., “I chose to focus on the domain of health informatics because of X…”). In your engagement, describe and discuss the people, information, and technology that are relevant to this domain.  In your reflection, explain how informatics can help us to better understand and/or solve problems in this domain.

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Short Paper [10pts]

Due: See schedule in syllabus for specific date/time (submitted on
Length: 2 pages (DOUBLE-spaced, font size 10-12)
Requirements: At least 1 reference cited in-line and listed in a reference/works cited section in either APA or MLA format.

The short paper should be no longer than two pages (not including references or the academic honesty statement). Your paper should have three sections:

  1. Explanation

Provide an overview of what your paper is about, including a thesis statement. What background information is necessary to understand your thesis?

  1. Engagement

State your argument. What evidence do you have to support your thesis?

  1. Reflection

Consider the impact of your argument. Why is your argument important?


Poor [0.5pts] Adequate [1pt] Good [2pts]
Explanation The writer provides little or no background information and thesis statement is missing or difficult to comprehend. The writer provides some relevant background information and thesis statement is either unclear or incomplete. The writer provides all relevant background information (cited where appropriate) of the topic and his/her central thesis is clearly stated.
Engagement The writer provides little or no evidence in support of his/her argument. The writer provides some evidence in support of his/her argument, but evidence is insufficient. The writer clearly provides adequate evidence (cited where appropriate) in support of his/her argument.
Reflection The writer provides little or no description of the importance and impact of his/her argument and analysis is vague or not evident. The writer somewhat describes the importance and impact of his/her argument but analysis is basic or general. The writer clearly describes the importance and impact of his/her argument and displays evidence of thoughtful analysis of the topic.
The tone is not consistently professional or appropriate for an academic paper. The tone is generally professional and appropriate for an academic paper. The tone is professional and appropriate for an academic paper.
Mechanics (overall)& Following Instructions The writing has many errors, andthe reader is distracted by them.

Paper does not follow instructions (font size, line spacing, at least one reference in appropriate format)

There are occasional errors, but they don’t represent a major distraction or obscure meaning.

Paper follows some, but not all, instructions (font size, line spacing, reference format)

The writing is free or almostfree of errors.

Paper follows instructions (font size, line spacing, reference format)


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