
This assignment consists of writing a research paper surveying a popular algorithm

This assignment consists of writing a research paper surveying a popular algorithm.  Your paper must conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style.  There are many good online resources for the APA style.  Your paper should use reputable references.  Most Web sources such as blog, forums, and personal website are not considered reputable (do not cite or use any Wiki or type websites).  Your paper should use 11pt or 12pt font size for the main text.  Other text such as figure and table labels and captions, if applicable, should be no smaller then 10pt.  This assignment weighs 15% of your course grade.

A typical research paper for this assignment is about 12 double spaced pages (not including the cover page or reference page).  Sample research papers from other classes are available in the folder named Survey Papers in the Examples and Resources (for Project 1) folder within the Learning Activities area in Blackboard.  These papers are not perfect, but they will give you an idea on what a good research paper looks like.

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An example survey paper template is also provided for download for your convince in the Learning Activities > Examples and Resources (for Project 1).  I recommend that you use this template, but it is not required; however, your paper must include all of the required information for the assignment and must follow APA style of writing.

I also recommend that you review all of the notes and recommendation in the Learning Activities > Examples and Resources (for Project 1) area to avoid many of the common mistakes that occur in formal research writing.  For example, avoid telling stories.  You paper should have a formal tone like the reputable research articles that you read; avoid using contractions and words such as “I” and “you” in formal writing; etc.


I highly recommend that you use section headings in your paper.  At a minimum, your paper should include the following sections:

Cover sheet

The cover sheet ought to incorporate the title of the paper and your name and course number. The upper right corner in the heading of every page ought to incorporate your last name took after by the page number. On the off chance that you might want to incorporate a conceptual, it ought to be on a different page after the cover sheet and single divided. All other substance with the exception of the reference rundown and figure and table subtitles ought to be twofold separated.

1. Presentation

The presentation ought to give brief foundation data on the calculation. It ought to likewise quickly talk about the issue that the calculation tries to illuminate and give an exceptionally short diagram on rest of the paper.

2. Cause

The cause area ought to recognize the individual or association that at first planned or built up the calculation. Support your finding on the inception utilizing reference references from books, diary articles, or meeting procedures.

3. Point by point Description

This area ought to depict the calculation and give maybe a couple basic however particular cases that show how the calculation functions. You may incorporate extra segments (or subsections) as vital. For instance, this segment can incorporate the take after kind of data:

a.          Identify the calculations unique intension

b.          Identify the calculations main role

c.          Identify the intricacy of the calculation (i.e. its huge O)

d.          Provide a brief and straightforward illustration demonstrating how the calculation functions. For instance, a paper on information pressure could talk about the subtle elements of the MD5 on LZO usage. Stroll through a few straightforward cases utilizing a little information set to outline how the calculation functions. Outlines and figures additionally get the point over.

e.          If proper, give a brief portrayal specifying how the calculation is not the same as different calculations that take care of the same or comparative issue

f.           Do exclude long source code postings. In the event that you should incorporate source code, just give little specimen bits or pseudo-code that will help your talk. Make certain to legitimately refer to your sources.

g.          Walk the peruser through a basic the calculation utilizing a little straightforward information set to outline how it functions.

h.          You must backing your discourse utilizing reference references from books and/or diary articles inside the primary content of the paper.

4. Essential Uses

This area can give the accompanying kind of data:

a.          What were the calculations first triumphs?

b.          Identify any disappointments or weaknesses of the calculation

c.          Give a case of who or what programming items are right now utilizing the calculation

d.          Support your discoveries utilizing reference references from books and/or diary articles

5. Future Considerations

The paper must examine future contemplations for the calculation. Clarify what the writing says in regards to it potential new uses or new zones.

For instance:

a.          Are different calculations being made taking into account this one?

b.          Or is the calculation dead – i.e. not being utilized any longer for reasons unknown?

c.          Support your discoveries utilizing reference references from books and/or diary articles.

6. Rundown and Conclusion

For instance:

a.          Briefly abridge what you have talked about.


The references section must on a separate page.  All sources listed in your reference list must be cited within the main text of the paper using the proper APA citation format.  The reference list should be single spaced.  The second and subsequence lines of the reference must be intended to follow the APA formatting style of writing.

The references section must include a minimum of four (4) reputable references not including your textbook.

References should consist of books and journal articles, which are the best type of sources.  For every three (3) references that you list, no more that one (1) reference can be from a reputable Web source.  A Web source that does not include an author’s name or a date usually indicates that the work is most likely not from a reputable source.  Do not cite or quote from Wiki sites,, blogs, personal websites, or other non-reputable sources.  You will not receive credit for these types of sites.

You can use these sections as a guide for the content and structure for your paper; however feel free to include additional sections that may also be relevant to your topic.

Grading Heuristics

The overall weight of the paper will be 20 points broken down as follows:

  • [3 points] Grammar and spelling
  • [3 points] Format of paper, APA style, and citations with in the paper
  • [10 points] Depth of coverage and originality
  • [4 points] References (at least 4 reputable sources)

Other Notes

Note that all research papers will be automatically run through  No more than 20% of the content in your paper can be exact words or quoted text from various sources, and then your source must be cited.

All sources where you received your information must be properly cited within the main text: even paraphrased material must be properly cited next to the appropriate sentences or paragraphs.

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